
October Transits

October Transits

October is a big month! Lots of changes in the stars, with a new moon partial solar eclipse at the end of the month! And don’t forget, the first ten days of the month have a heavy Saturn Uranus final square (sudden breakdown of problems that will ultimately create...

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New Moon in Virgo

New Moon in Virgo

On September 25, we have a new Moon in Virgo, conjunct with a powerful Mercury retrograde and aspected by Jupiter and Neptune. What does this mean? What is the Moon? It is our mother, emotions, feelings, water, and how we relate to each other. It’s our consciousness...

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Venus Moves to Virgo

Venus Moves to Virgo

Venus moves to Virgo, where it will stay until October 18th.   It will be conjunct the Sun and a powerful Mercury retrograde in the nakshatra (star) of Uttara Phalguni.  What does this mean? Please note I am referring to the sidereal Vedic (Indian)  Astrology and not...

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